On this day in 1291 (although not recognised till some 400 years later) 3 cantons got together and the Swiss Confederation was born. More info. here. It's an excuse for the Swiss to go Fire work crayzeeee. They're freely available here, and for the week leading up to the big night, youths let them off just as you're slipping into the land of nod. All the communes have big shows and partys, and it's a national holiday. Walter took the day off, and we felt very Swiss :) Sadly, we couldn't partake of the fireworks since they started at 10 pm and later, but wee had a nice view from our bedroom window. We could see alot of communes around the lake doing it too. It rather reminded me of the Bay Area on 4th July...

We took a windy walk to the beach to watch the windsurfers and kite surfers. It turns out the tradition (although not that old) is to have brunch at a farm on the 1st. It's suppopsed to be a chance for the farms to showcase their wares and for the city folk to see that country folk aren't that strange.

3rd August
On the 3rd of August last year, we said good bye to the good ole US and headed to Europe. It'll be a year 'en Suisse' on the 15th August. I'll discuss the pros and cons then....
Herb, Vero et al. came over for a BBQ, so we took a wee walk to the park afterwards.

I bought our grill from Migros because it was small and cheap (their own brand 'M-Budget'). Friends have since told us there was an article in the local paper saying that they will be collector's items soon, as only a limited number were produced. There's a pic here .
The church has been working on a new 'hall' since before we moved in. The patch of ground left over after the building has had a lot of TLC put into it. Four men would come every day for a while, till the soil with a machine, remove all the stones with a machine, flatten the ground with a machine, rake it by hand and flatten again! They set up a sprinkler that goes every hour. We expected a magnificent lawn of perfect proportions. Look closely at the pic.

I cannot believe how big those boys are. And look at your hair! Wow.
We finally got a new camera and I'm uploading pics to flickr right now.
You mean that it looks like a nice crop of weeds?
Your hair is so long, you hippie! You and the boys look great! All week we've been going around talking about how it was this time last year that you left, sigh.
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