Thursday, August 24, 2006

Did you know.....

..... that big spiders make significant quantities of poo? Saint Blaise is spider mecca. They all come here to live on our windows. From where I stand right now, I can count 8 in the living room and 9 on the windows... that's just a glance. They're all very active and big- ~0.5-2" across. Our French teacher says that vacuuming them up is no good. They just crawl out again! Anyhoo, I've been noticing lots of little black spots and splats around the places that spiders like to 'hang'. Then today I actually saw it happen! Bleurgh. They're still better than those freaky millipedes (see Sept 05).

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Creepy! I'm happy to be away from those little green lizards - geckos or whatever they were. Nothing creeped me out like seeing one on my wall.