Uncle Robert holds Allie in his favourite postition, while a lone hand tickles.

Robert the boy magnet.

I couldn't find a good pic. of my Dad....

Uncle Jamie, Uncle Robert, me and the wee boys.

My mum has an MG which Allie thinks is super cool since he gets to ride in the front with the top down.

The Kelvingrove Art Gallery openned up in July after 3 years of renovations. We met an old friend Sally (Hi Sally!!) there for lunch and artistic inspiration. I'm not sure what was rennovated, but the stuffed animals had been thouroughly dusted. It is famous for the Dali painting: Christ of Saint John of the Cross.

We took a wee trip to Troon Beach. My Dad took the boys down to the water, while I lay around ;)

Another event that happilly coincided with our visit was Susan's Hen night. Here's the lucky girl, well on the way to a happy evening!

We go back to the UK in a couple of weeks for Jamie and Susan's wedding. I haven't started making my dress yet.... well I've cut it out and hummed and hawed about whether it'll look OK. Allie's going to be a page boy (he presents the lucky horse shoe to the couple) and I think he should present a lucky cow bell!
1 comment:
Hello mes cousins en Suisse!
loved seeing your pictures of la famille.
ca va? one annee in Swissland and counting heh?
The big news for me...is...I am comin back to your side of the pond! youpi!
I just got my student visa! woo hoo!
I can't wait to get back to Europe, to Paris, to mes cousins and my man!
AND I am now in Skype mode so we can talk! double woo hoo for Skype and free calling. Really dislike those cellphone bills. anyways. Tomorrow, I and my mom, fly to New Orleans for a few days and then head back to So. Cal.
Hope all is well in Swissland. love from So. Cal!
and tell the boys...I don't know when I am comin' but I will be reclaiming my room ;-)
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