My parents call one "Po Faced" if one is looking obnoxiously bad tempered. Allie, in his interesting (at least to his parents) and exciting development, is now working on expressions of displeasure with his mater and pater. Should we laugh openly when he does this?

When our 5 year old does this, Matt and I compete against each other with which parent can make the better pout. This usually makes Milo give up and try another tactic.
I vote laugh openly when he does it.
sometimes they are so serioius, you have a hard time not laughing at them. but you know they are serious. other times they are just being brats: laugh. I had Drew recently try (with words though) to in essence do as the second picture. when i answered with a rational response--i was not responsible for his anger--he was able to stop and change his demeanor. not quite laugh at himself
Classic shots, both of them. Wini adds, "O-KAY" in a put-upon voice.
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