According to our local paper, Nicolas Sarkozy has started a new fashion here. Socks!!! Now I found this especially funny, because we've noticed a big difference in the "socks +/- shoes" aspects of men in Europe vs. the US. In Europe men wear sandals-with-socks and trainers-no-socks (tennis shoes). Americans wear sandals-no-socks and tennis shoes (trainers)-with-socks... usually ankle socks. This may be a generalisation, but my dad, brothers and Walter have all proved me right. hehe. Anyhoo, Mr. Sarkozy likes to jog, and cuts a dash in his wee, just below the ankle, jogging socks. Now we're all being encouraged to doff them. I can't imagine how the local 'young things' will wear them. They already expose their mid-riffs in temps below zero....
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