First stop, the Eiffel Tower! The wee boys had a bee in their bonnet about going up it, so I made reservations at the restaurant 'Altitude 95' for a biffday lunch.
The Eiffel Tower is all the way over there???

The grassy wall on the way to the Eiffel Tower. Can't remember the museum, but it does smell fousty.

Parisiens may not wash their hands when they go to the loo, but they do make good nosh. Even the children's menu has nice salads. This restuarant (Altitude 95) was recommended as being child friendly, with a bit of a view and good, relatively inexpensive food. It's on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower, so I made reservations and we went in the special "there's no line" line to get there, walking past hundreds of poor schmos.

NOT too chilly to relax at a roadside cafe.
If you look carefully at Toby, you'll see he's pulled up his trouser legs. He spent the better part of a day running around like that, holding onto his trouser legs. He was apparently too hot, unlike the rest of Paris.

If you look carefully at Toby, you'll see he's pulled up his trouser legs. He spent the better part of a day running around like that, holding onto his trouser legs. He was apparently too hot, unlike the rest of Paris.

the label on the gloves says.......

A birthday trip to the Rodin museum. We made it only as far as the gardens, where the boys got to run around and we got to ponder just how melancholy Rodin was.
I couldn't pass up a different view of "the Thinker"
The last time Walter was in Paris, the glass pyramids at the Louvre weren't there!
The Tuillerie Gardens in front of the Louvre. Allie took maaaany pics of this spider. Bleurk.
Mother lion. Rooar!

Mmmm Angelina's. The best place for Hot Chocolate in the whole wide world. And we've been around the block a few times hotchoc-wise. They even deigned to put us in the window. Fools.
Why Mummy, this cake is delish. I will certainly not smear it everywhere, then grab yours.

Mmmm Angelina's. The best place for Hot Chocolate in the whole wide world. And we've been around the block a few times hotchoc-wise. They even deigned to put us in the window. Fools.
Why Mummy, this cake is delish. I will certainly not smear it everywhere, then grab yours.

Why Mummy, these frys are delish. I will absolutely not drop my plate on the floor.

Ach, never mind kids, Mummy's high on hot chocolate.

Grace came a callin' with Foie Gras, champers and cake for Walter.

It was a lovely weekend: lovely to see Walter after him traveling for a week, lovely to see my parents, lovely to show the boys some cool Paris sights and especially lovely to celebrate Walter getting to the milestone of supreme cuteness!!!
Thanks for the pictures. Looks like that was a great birthday.
The museum with the live green plant covered wall is the musee Quai de Branly and showcases art from Africa and South America, I think!
I have been there twice...very cool and oh does that wall ever smell musty!
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