We met Christian at the train station, then walked through the beautiful old part of the town, up to a park area with a lovely view. This was also one of the first hot days.

The view down to the river from the park.

Loic's still ceeeoote, although blurry.

Toby is a very different animal to his brother. He wanted a bucket that Loic was holding, and this pic captures the moment of Tobe pushing the poor wee man over because he wouldn't give it up.

Kim met us with Starbucks all round. Hoorah for Kim! We walked down, and along the river to a lunch place,complete with sausages, music and beer. Kim and I girded our loins with a stein for the grueling afternoon of spaing ahead of us.

On the train home I was remarkably calm with the wee boys.... which hasn't lasted. I need a good spaing every week!
For Father's Day poor Walter got a fried breakfast and a lie-in..... and a couple of bottles of Absinthe from the Absinthe Fair. We tried it after looking up how. It's not all that...
The sugar lump and water have been added... the tasting will now commence.

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