Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Elephants and wee boys oh my...

We got an excited call from a friend today, saying the elephants were in town. Well, in sleepy Neuchatel who wouldn't jump at the chance of seeing them. The Knie Circus is visiting, and as part of a tradition they bring the elephants out for a walk through town to the Place des Halles, where they 'say hello' to the public. It would have been nice to see them on their walk, but we got to see them pretty close in the square.

6 large elephants facing you is quite awe inspiring. Especially when they each have their own handlers with (what look like) cattle prods.

A handler gave out fruit, then walked an elephant around. As I took this pic Allie was right at his foot!

I'm not keen on animals in circuses and it was quite sad to see the elephants, especially when they were doing tricks. I've been close enough now to say they really do have 'intelligent' eyes.

Allie's Favourite Game.
Alasdair likes to set up 'snack time' and 'tea time'. He needs a wee place to sit, a wee place for his toys (or Toby, depending on who's available!), a table and a bunch of stuff to eat.
At my parents' house. Look who gets the comfy chair!

On our porch with his teddy.

Walter's in Istanbul (not COnstantinople) this week. It's rather hot there, so he and the wee boys got haircuts this weekend.
You can't tell them apart!

Walter can do push ups with at least 40 lbs on his back. I won't show the after shot...

This week is the last week of school for the Swiss till the middle of August. Allie's 'jardain d'enfants' ends and the circus class. What am I going to do?????

1 comment:

Susan said...

That picture of Allie having tea with his teddy looks like a professional shot. Gorgeous! I love the shot of the boys & their haircut, too. And the pushup!

Elephants bond pretty well with people, so I don't feel as bad about them in circuses as I do tigers & lions. Elephants are domesticated in some areas of the world, right? (Talking out my behind here.)