Emma demonstrates cheese melting in its 'tray'
This is the best way to experience it, but here's us digging in:

The boys watch asthe cheese slides onto the potatoes...mmmm...

My parents also visited for a couple of days in between getting ready to move house. While they were here, Allie made himself a cheese, apple and orange sandwich. He ate the whole thing:

We went into Neuchatel one afternoon and my dad spotted the tram to Boudry, so we took a ride to Auvernier (with a nice coat of arms. All communes have one). We walked along the beach and had some swans following for a while.

During one of the sunnier weekends recently, we took the stabilizers off Allie's bike. When he concentrated he did rather well. The rest of the time, he was looking around too much.

Mmm, cheese & potatoes. Wini isn't up to having her training wheels off yet, I'm very impressed. Way to go Allie! We raised them and she prefers to ride at an angle with one training wheel on the ground than to try balancing.
We miss you guys...we still aren't warming up here in RWC but at least there's no snow. :)
yummy goodness in the tummy!
glad you are enjoying the lovely gastronomie suisse. makes me jealous. I don't have my own raclette machine yet, but I have a fondue pot and boy, do we use!
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