Here's a visual of some of the stuff we've been doing:
Round Eastertime, it rained and rained. That was coupled with a warm up that melted the snow. The water at the port went from 8ft down to flowing over the sidewalk! Some boy entertainment included fort building:

We tried walking around the lake in Marin. Apparently, Lac de Neuchatel is famous for having walking access all the way around it. We got stuck, as a lot of the paths had been overrun with water. Behind where the boys are swinging there used to be a big beach, not water.

Yup, that's a roundabout. Allie and one of our neighbour chidren, Fiona went on it during one of our 'bog' walks.

When the weather started heating up we took a little stroll:
This is a low tunnel that goes under the railway tracks to the lake park. It also carries the stream that runs through StB out to the lake. I don't think i'd like to be there when a train goes over.

One of ALL the boys' favourite things to do is chuck stones in the lake. Walter has perfected his skiffing to more than 8 per stone! Toby has perfected his throwing to getting the rock in the lake and making himself wet at the same time.

The neccessary stop for refreshments on a warm spring day.

This is a view of our house from the church yard. Walter is standing under the 3 living room windows. To the left of those are the kitchen windows. On the nextfloor up are our bedroom on the right and the spare room on the left. The top floor has Toby's room on the left and Allie's on the right. Our house basically occupies the side of the building. We also have the first windows round the side. It's a nice set up, as the house has sunshine all day.... when it's sunny ;)

Last week Walter had to go to the US Embassy in Bern to get more pages for his passport. Since it's only 40 mins by train, the boys and I came to see what it had to offer the wee men. The embassy is 10 mins by bus from the center, and it also turns out that the zoo is right beside it! We left Walter at the embassy and sauntered along the river side (VERY green, fast moving and full) to the zoo. I'd just like to say a little about the embassy. It is ofcourse surrounded by men with guns and barricades. When I went to the embassy in London (it was ~14 years ago) I was very impressed with the giant marines in their cool uniforms standing gaurd. It left an impression on me. These days, security it seems, is farmed out to private companies (men in black uniforms with 'Protectus' on their hats). Not nearly as impressive and not leaving me with a secure feeling..... Sadly, the building that 'The Borne Identity' led us to believe is occupied by the US embassy is not the same ;) Anyway, the zoo is very nice indeed. It's not the exotic kind- horses, alpaca, nutria (!), pigs, goats. Further along are native bird and other native animal enclosures. There was a very nice restaurant and park to play in. It was a very successful trip (meaning we did something the boys enjoyed and there were no melt downs) and Walter got to take the train with us.
The boys enjoy a hot chocolate break beside the river.

Allie and pelicans?

1 comment:
Lovely pics.
I actually remember Bern...the place with the bear pit, right?
I can't believe Nutria have made their way to Europe, even to live in a zoo!
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