Sunday, March 05, 2006

Time Flies

We're winding down our whirlwind visit to Cali. We didn't see nearly enough family or friends, and yet are totally knackered from all of our comings and goings! We're sad that we missed a lot of people, but hey, it's more incentive to come and see us ;)
Here's a snippet of what we've been up to.

Cousins Drew (14), Brendan (16), Toby (2), Allie (4) in Redondo Beach.

Grandma Helen and Grandpa Norm enjoy a beautiful day at Veterans' Park in RB

Friend Kim and her adorable son Loic (8 months). They'll be on the same plane back to Zurich!!

Grandpa and Tobe- what a team!

Cousins Wini (5) and Anna (11) in RB. Wini just lost her first tooth :)

Bathtime for wee cousins.

Helen and babby Elliot (4 weeks) enjoy some Berkeley sun.

Two Witort men.


Elliott tells a stunned audience what time it is.

Soccer with Allie.

Allie's new girlfriend Kate.

Matt and Ranas' new dawg 'Zinc'. Trop cute aussi!

A jaunt up Indian Rock. The pinnacle of a lovely day.

We return in 3 days. I'm very sad.


Anonymous said...

where / what is indian rock?

Anonymous said...

to avoid the excess baggage fee, see if you can ship it DHL a few days before you leave (or some other international carrier) on a slow boat....

Yodelemma said...

Indian Rock is a climber's paradise in the Solano area of Berkeley. It's just up the road from Peet's, Zachary's, Cactus Taqueria, The Cheese Board and many other fine dining; perfect after a hard day's climbing. Walter and Jon squandered many a pleasant afternoon there when they were students :)

Anonymous said...

HEY, you came to the bay area (berkeley no less) and didn't tell me??...ok, ok it's my own fault, i guess if i kept up with the blog i would've known right? what can i say i like reading weeks and weeks of events at a time ;-)

jon and helen have a new baby? how cool--very cute too! i wish allie and toby were here to play with ty--he needs some boys to play with....

emma you deserve a medal for traveling (international) with two boys under the age of 5. you go girl (you crazy but you go...)