Here's a snippet of what we've been up to.
Cousins Drew (14), Brendan (16), Toby (2), Allie (4) in Redondo Beach.

Grandma Helen and Grandpa Norm enjoy a beautiful day at Veterans' Park in RB

Friend Kim and her adorable son Loic (8 months). They'll be on the same plane back to Zurich!!

Grandpa and Tobe- what a team!

Cousins Wini (5) and Anna (11) in RB. Wini just lost her first tooth :)

Bathtime for wee cousins.

Helen and babby Elliot (4 weeks) enjoy some Berkeley sun.

Two Witort men.


Elliott tells a stunned audience what time it is.

Soccer with Allie.

Allie's new girlfriend Kate.

Matt and Ranas' new dawg 'Zinc'. Trop cute aussi!

A jaunt up Indian Rock. The pinnacle of a lovely day.

We return in 3 days. I'm very sad.
where / what is indian rock?
to avoid the excess baggage fee, see if you can ship it DHL a few days before you leave (or some other international carrier) on a slow boat....
Indian Rock is a climber's paradise in the Solano area of Berkeley. It's just up the road from Peet's, Zachary's, Cactus Taqueria, The Cheese Board and many other fine dining; perfect after a hard day's climbing. Walter and Jon squandered many a pleasant afternoon there when they were students :)
HEY, you came to the bay area (berkeley no less) and didn't tell me??...ok, ok it's my own fault, i guess if i kept up with the blog i would've known right? what can i say i like reading weeks and weeks of events at a time ;-)
jon and helen have a new baby? how cool--very cute too! i wish allie and toby were here to play with ty--he needs some boys to play with....
emma you deserve a medal for traveling (international) with two boys under the age of 5. you go girl (you crazy but you go...)
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