So this was the first complete weekend for a while, of having Walter at home. Grace and Ruth were off in Leistal visiting their friend Urs. Needless to say, we did diddly squat. I had my weekly stint at the farmers' market. Mushroom season is in full swing, so i got a selection of 'caps' I had never seen before. You can supposedly collect them in the woods round here, and there's even a special section in the "Bulletin des Communes" (we receive it every week fo' free) for the Mushroom Controller. You can take your finds to him and he'll tell you whether they'll kill you painfully, get you high or make your stew taste like mud. I tried my hand at a crepe filling with some that were described as 'fort' (strong) by the seller. I guess fort meant mud! Walter looked at some cars, and he chose one that we should have by next week :) I ain't saying what it is till there's a pic to go with it. Most of you probably know our car 'ethic'- used, reliable, good gas mileage, don't care about the look.......teehee.. Allie and I went to the Halloween Party (put on by the Neuchatel International Club, for fluent English speakers) for kids at a place called "Pierre-a-Bot" Farm. We only just found out about it, so the poor boy didn't get a costume. He got to eat chocolate, make crafts and play a British game called 'What's the Time, Mr Wolf (mr. ghost in this case) where he got to run around screaming with other children. Then he went on a bat hunt, with the prize of lollipops. Not bad.
The only other notable event of the weekend was afternoon tea. Here are some pics of the boys enjoying.
Tobe enjoys a nice cup of tea
Sun drenched Allie
Tobe enjoys Nutella. His parents don't enjoy cleaning him up We went to the train station on Monday evening, to say 'Abientot' to Walter's cousins Grace annd Ruth. There are lots of ways to get to Gare Neuchatel- train, bus, funicular- cool :) Before they left, we had dinner at a wee cafe beside the station. All it had on the menu were rice bowls. They were reallyreally tasty- flavours of Thai.... sigh.... I miss good, cheap Thai food... Anyhoo, we waved themm off on the TGV- still exciting! So these are the only photies:
La TGV est tres belle!
Ruth is turning to wave, poor Grace is carrying that huge, blue backback. She got stuck a couple of times and had to be helped ;)My mum's here next week, then the week after that we go to Rome- woohoo on both counts! Walter's big concern for the trip is: Am I adequately prepared? Mine is: What shall I wear?
Wini enjoyed clicking on Toby's nutella face and making him lunge in and out at her. :)
I looked at Grace's pictures on her blog, and Switzerland is so beautiful!
uh yes, that would be the big blue backpack and Grace struggling out in front!
Thanks to all who helped me get that around! Hee hee. When I took all the chocolate out it was so much more feasible!
nothing like good dark Swiss chocolate!
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