Saturday, November 12, 2005

Gma departs, New Car, Odds and Ends

We had a busy week of showing Gma how the Swiss shop, going to the parks and seeing Neuchatel. She wants to live here now :)
Here's a pic of her and the boys at the famous water wheel.

While we were visiting the park at the top of the town, Allie and Toby took to playing this game:

No-one's been jumped on yet!

It was lovely seeing Gma Cake. The boys had some serious withdrawal on the day between her leaving and Walter coming home. She's bringing Gpa back for New Year. Walter and I get to sample our first Swiss Hogmanay!

Walter came home from London on Friday and promptly went to pick up the car. We are now the proud drivers of a VOLVO......hehehehe..... I need to find a Starbucks for my latte...hehehe... It's a really nice car. Plenty of room for 'stuff' like ....mmm...skis.... hehehe.


Susan said...

The car looks great! Room for you all and a picnic. Look at Walter & Allie's matching grins. :)

Anonymous said...

Emma! Your mom looks so young! I love your new car!