Monday, March 31, 2008


A loooong time ago, I graduated from university and decided to travel around the world while 'mulling over' the rest of my life. I decided to start in New York, and that was pretty much the only planning I had done. In the youth hostel, I met this English girl who told me she wanted to get a "drive-away" from NY to Las Vegas. She had found this other, Australian bloke in a hostel nearby who wanted in on it too. He found a couple of Swedish blokes to round it out to 5 of us, and off we went... in a Buick Regal.... with 5 very big rucksacks. I don't know if Drive-Aways are still done, but back then it was an unbelievably cheap way to travel (remember a gallon of gas for under a dollar?). We were given 7 days to get from NY to LA, so naturally we took turns and drove through the night to maximize days sightseeing. It was a brilliant intro to the U.S, especially with the company. We left the English girl in LasVegas, and carried on to LA, then up to SF (on the Green Tortoise) hehehe. She met us there a couple of weeks later, we took another Green Tortoise trip to Yosemite, and generally saw the sights of the Bay Area. The English girl decided to go to the Exploratorium one day, I had no idea what it was, but it sounded like fun.... I met a cute, brown eyed, long black haired American boy, who gave me his phone number. He told us to call him to come to a halloween party in Berkeley... we went to the Castro instead. I called him after that and we arranged to meet in Berkeley and he would show us around. We all enjoyed beer at Jupiter and some pool. The boy (Walter) took the English girl to her aunt's in Richmond. The rest is an exhilarating, marvelous history.

So the English girl is partly (Walter's late Aunt Mickey is the other part) responsible for US! Her name's Pru, and she made my trip across America super fun :) The next time we saw her was at our wedding. She was working in Australia, and had some business in LA at the same time! After that, she was traveling all over and we lost touch. Nearly 13 years later, she came to visit for a long weekend (from London where she has now put down some roots). We showed her some Suisse.

We took a ferry ride form Neuchatel to Morat (Murten), which took about 1.5 hours. Ohhh the weather we had... Made a contrast to the previous week's 6 inches of snow.

Pru and the wee boys. They had a great time with her. Allie asked Walter "How did you know which one to marry?"

On the canal between the Lac de Neuchatel and the Lac de Morat.

Final destination: Morat.

On the train home (that took 20 mins), we were all knackered and sunburned.


One really must go to the snow in Switzerland, if possible. The weekend that Pru was here, the weather was doing its 'don't know whether it's winter or spring' thing. We had just had a bout of wintrishness, so we took her to Creux-de-Van, partly out of the vain hope that the metairie was open, and partly because we weren't sure any ski areas were open. Foolish us. There was a good couple of feet of pristine, untouched (mostly), delishushness. Below, on the way to the edge (see the post on Creux-de-Van in the summer).

Looking over the edge. Hard to tell where it ends in the snow.

Pru looks toward France.

Stop for lunch before the real work begins......

....the work of building snow centaurs! The snow was on the wetter side due to spring, so it made perfect snow balls. Walter would eventually be the only one with the strength to push the balls around!

Who knows what Allie's doing there. The boys spent a lot of time eating handfuls of snow. The poor centaur was destroyed in a bloody and fearsome snowball fight. He was replaced by the 'little people' standing gaurd over the fortress.

The lovely Pru enjoying homemade raclette after our adventure. She also got to enjoy a boozy fondue with us in Neuchatel. All bases covered ;)

We had a super time catching up. It certainly won't be another 13 years!


Sherry said...

It's so great to catch up with old friends! Maybe some day we'll get to do the same. :)

Yodelemma said...

You bet, missus! We're on the way back to the US- is Toronto closer to Switzerland or SF?

Susan said...

BTW I am jealous that you guys got to take that ferry ride...

I know it's selfish of me but we can't wait to see you guys!