From this:

To this: (those little white patches in the air are snow. WetWet snow)

Every time we make the long trip across time zones, I have the idea of keeping a record of just how we deal with jetlag and the boys for the next time.
Always, I forget… or something.
It’s like childbirth- one soon forgets the pain and horror so that one can do it again!
And does one opt for a drug free jetlag or not?
So here I am at 12:30 am on night 2, having gone from west to east. We are now 9 hours ahead. Toby got up at 11:30pm and the plan is to try and bed him again at 1:30ish. Allie hasn’t made an appearance yet. Now I’m starting to remember snippits. Toby gets up, and just when it’s (hopefully) time to put him back again, Allie comes down, making for a night of wakefulness from 12-5am all told. There will be a lot of coming and going before everyone settles, then we’ll sleep like babies till the morning. If we were left to our own devices, we would sleep very deeply from 5am to after midday, but we have to get up for school and whatnot. At 7:30 this morning, my alarm went off, rousing me from a deeeep jetlag dream (I’ve found dreams on jetlag are marvelous) and we had to drag the wee boys from their pits. This was of course the morning when I ran into everyone, all of whom were horrified that we were sending the boys to school the day after we got back. I’m not horrified. I’m completely doolalley. I couldn’t remember half my French and was virtually incoherent. When the boys got home we couldn’t get much out of them on how their days went, but they seemed to be in one piece. Plenty of TV was watched, and fighting done. After the longest 4pm-6pm, we finally put them in bed. Allie fell asleep in mid sentence.
Now it's 4am and Allie's been up since 2:30. Walter and I are both here because we're wide awake. At least Toby's sleeping, which is a very good thing as he has his 'full day' tomorow.
Day 4- We're on the downward slope! Both boys slept ~14 hours last night (well Tobe got into bed with us for an hour in the middle) and we pretty much slept through. It helps that the sun's coming out. Till today, we've been in heavy fog with the occasional snow. We were going to have a birthday party for Allie this weekend, but we're too knackered. Besides, he has surgery to get his tonsils out next Weds- the day before his birthday :( I figured we could have a nice big party for him after he recovers. We'll have more luck with the weather, having it outside with more people.
I'll have some posts shortly, of our lovely trip out west :)
1 comment:
Good luck slogging through the jet lag. I can't believe you came home to snow, but not the fun kind.
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