I'm going to go backwards post-wise, from the most recent event in Suisseland- The visit of Walter's sister Sue, her husband Nick and daughter Wini (7). They made it out for a 2 week trip around Thanksgiving, and Sue got to see her old friend Kim (see previous posts) to boot! We mostly just hung out with them and took the occasional trip around the area. They visited Lauterbrunnen (we went at the end of Oct... posting soon) and the Jungfraujoch, and took a couple of trips to Zurich. Wini wowed the Swiss kids on her skates, and the wee boys had their cousin all to themselves.
Sue and Nick at the Saint Blaise port, smiling despite the cold!

We had the full Thanksgiving meal.

We all took a trip to the Roman town of
Avenches (Aventicum in Latin). It had a lovely amphitheater and exhibition of Roman artefacts found there.
Kids on the train. Only a half hour away from Saint Blaise.

A panorama of the amphitheater. Nick on left. Walter in distance.

Everyone down below.

The cousins spent a long time playing games and running around. Better than watching the feeding of the lions.

Alasdair ponders the 2000 years of history there.

Why not finish with an artyfarty pic?

We didn't have time to see the medieval part of the town. Undoubtedly, we'll be back. The Roman exhibition itself is worth it!
So now the Kibres are home, and time flew way too quickly.... they need to come back to finish seeing the sites ;)
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