It was exactly 2 years ago on the 23rd Sept. that we moved into our Saint Blaise abode. Since then Allie has started school, Toby has started creche, Walter has become a European travel expert and we've been swallowed whole by Swiss culture. Now it's not such an inconvenience that the stores aren't open on Sundays or Monday mornings or closing at 5 on Saturdays. I have navigated the following in French: the insurance company about a fender bender, the emergency room on a few occasions, meetings with school teachers, dealing with customer 'service' and my favourite- telling off the local nyaffs for being mean to my children (Walter's good at that too). We can now count Swiss people amongst our friends, and Allie and Toby play with friends in French at the park (they also correct our pronunciation). The Swiss Kiss thing is still a bit of a mystery- If you see someone later in the day, that you met (and kissed) earlier, do you do it again? I would say no, but it's happened on occassion. Do you or the other person initiate the kiss? If you see someone every day do you do it? Sometimes is the answer to that, but I can't see any consistency in the circumstances. I've noticed that expats love to do it, though hehehe. Driving here is so much more relaxing (unless you rear end a German- see above), and even going into Neuchatel is like visiting the big city.
Tidbits of what we're up to.
Let's start with indoor pursuits when it's raining. Allie prepares to launch Toby across the room in his rocket on wheels. Toby had some sense for once and put on his helmet.

Allie likes to put sparkles on his face. And go to school like that.

Still enjoy lounging around.

Allie's first day back at school. He now has French class every week with the other furnurs.

Allie and his friend Batiste enjoy a board game after school.

The only time that Toby sits perfectly still is when he's doing this:

Our latest visitors were Vicky and Willoughby. Vicky is the mum of Steve, who went to Berkeley with Walter. They were visiting friends in Lucerne and popped up for the afternoon. We had super weather and a lovely time. Toby took a shine to Will :)

Fete de Vendanges 2007
We didn't make it out for the evening fun this year, but took the boys for some quick daytime fun. Allie said all his friends were talking about the rides at the fair, so next year we'll have to finally let his see what all the fuss is about.
On the 'special' bus into town.

Some of the marching band action.

We ran into friends, who's children were in the same frame of mind as A n T: Pick up some of the tonnes of confetti and throw it.

The cause of most of the confetti. See that black tube? That's a confetti canon. I got blasted full in the face by one of those last year.

The new tradition: candyfloss.

The best gauffres (waffles) I've ever tasted.

The boys have invented a way of taking a break while we're walking around. They sit on our feet like wee penguins.

Allie looks naughty because he's about to bung a bunch of confetti on me. I had (honestly) only just gotten rid of the last confettin in the cupboard at home!

Now I've broken a dry spell in blog updates, I'll be telling you all about Quince.... after announcing the latest MacDonald!!!!
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