We celebrated with fish and a trip to Coop. The boys, especially Allie have been floored by the dreaded lurgy. A succession of sore throats and high fevers have left him rather tired and crabby. He even had a trip to the hospital for an ultrsound on his giant neck lymph node. They are now on the mend, and I am fielding advice from French speakers: "Start feeding them properly", "Give them vitamins", "Never let them go out without a hat", "keep them away from the swimming pool". I am following it all studiously. Sometimes I get the feeling they think it's because the boys are American ;)
Sadly, Kim, Christian and Loic won't be coming for the feast this weekend as Walter is heading of To Copenhagen to get a preview of the weather to come here. They'll be coming closer to Christmas, so we can roll it all together and have a bash to make the neighbours jealous.
My parents 'dropped in' for the weekend and got to experience the apex of Allie's illness. There was one sunny and mild day where Toby and I showed them the 'Collegial'.
The cloisters there are small and beautiful. Nearly all the old buildings in the Neuchatel area are constructed using a warm yellow sandstone, dug up from Hauterive.

Guillaume Farel was big in Neuchatel. When I first saw the statue, I thought it must be John Knox....

Where's the top?

The walk up the very steep hill to the Collegial is through the older part of the town. There are a couple of very nice fountains with blokes on them. Who they are, I don't know yet.

A viaduct on the way down.

Sick kids and (soon to be sick) Grandparents on the couch.

Allie is interested in cameras, so time was spent during recuperation:

Autumnal fun with Daddy.... while Mummy watches TV and eats chocolate. hehehe.

Mummy felt guilty and came up to run it off.

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