Friday, Walter and I went out for dinner with my brothers, girlfriends, and friends.
Robert, Jamie, John on the night before the 2nd one gets hitched.

Saturday, we spent most of the day getting ready for the wedding. All the men wore kilts (including the wee men) and I wore the stupid dress that I finally fininshed. It was quite comfortable ;) The wedding was in the Glasgow University Chapel. It's a beautiful, nicely designed chapel with lovely stained glass depicting the faculties of the university. The pews had all kinds of carving of animals, faces and celtic knots. It also sits in the middle of the historic part of the university. We arrived and parked wee, bamboozled Allie with his G'parents to wait for the bride. Susan looked absolutely stunning and her dress was indescribably lovely. Her mum walked her down the aisle to Jamie, who was handsomely bekilted ;) Allie followed at the back, holding hands with the bridesmaids. He seemed very happy! The ceremony was performed by the minister who married Susan's parents and buried her father. It was a really nice service. Walter got to see a wee bit from the back, then had to take Tobe outside to release energy. They had fun running around the quads!
Susan, looking emotional and beautiful, and her mum, looking radiant and happy. Just above Allie's head, you can see Walter and Toby just before they depart.

Signing the register... it's a done deal.

The happy couple!!!

After the ceremony, it seemed like the photos took hardly any time at all, hence my inability to take any of us (that's my excuse). We were then bussed down the road to the Oran Mor. What a venue. It's a rennovated church, with the artwork of one of our most favourite artists and writers Alasdair Gray (guess where the inspiration for Allie's name came from). The boys had 2 other wee boys of about the same age to play with, so they all ran around and had a good time.
Far away glimpses of Allie and Toby.

By the time the speeches came round, Walter had to take crazy Toby off to bed. The plan was for me to bring Allie up after the speeches and settle the babysitter in. She never showed up! If anyone is ever thinking of hiring a babysitter in the UK, DON'T use SafeHandsNetwork. Every time I've spoken to them on the phone, all they've done is make a lot of defensive sounding excuses. By the time we had explored all the other options (using hotel staff- the head receptionist that night was very helpful, and others) we were knackered and went to bed. IT would have been nice to see Walter and have a wee dance...
The next morning we met up with my parents in the Botanic Gardens just around the corner. I remember it from many trips as a child. The boys were especially interested in the banana trees ;) Jamie and Susan made it too, and it was agreed that everyone "needed" an ice cream ;)

Somehow, in the mayhem of the wedding I ended up with no photos of us the Stockwell clan! I'm really kicking myself, but there should be some from the professional photographer... at some point. If anyone who attended, and is reading this, can they email me something.... please!
Now we're home and recovered, and Jamie and Susan are tooling around parts of Asia :)
Sounds like great fun. I loved seeing the boys in their kilts, so cute.
As I looked at the one of Allie and Toby facing each other, I wondered how their heights would compare to my two. Hayley's so short, Toby is probably taller than her now. I can just see Allie towering over her.
I want to see the dress!
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