They were saucy too. This is probably the reason that they won. Skirts off!

Last night, the best and brightest of European popular music gathered in the beautiful city of Athens to find out who has the BEST MUSIC IN THE WORLD. Sadly, I didn't get to watch the whole dealy, but Switzerland's offering "Six4One" were first up. What a performance! Six beautiful young people, with voices of angels, sang the haunting melody "If We All Give a Little". And if we had all truely given a little, they would have come away with top honours, instead of being 16 out of 37. That beat the UK's Daz Sampson with his cheeky, cheerful little ditty "Teenage Life". Quite a departure from the usual with rap, but only enough to get 19th place. The biggest departure of all, and the winner of this important and groundbreaking event was the Finnish entry by the popular (and for good reason) band Lordi. Almost nixed from the event by crazy anti-satanists, this awesome group of loveable monsters rocked everyone's world.

I think they should be the next big thing in the US. Move over, so called Linkin Park.
Ohhh will next year's competition ever come??????
So, they just ripped those skirts off and finished the song in their shirts?
Nah, they actually had some kind of short "skort" on underneath. That would have been cool.
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