Saturday, October 29, 2005

Bragging for the Grandparents

I've got a bunch of pics that I know the G'parents will want to see. The rest of you are free to do whatever you do on the internet :)

Allie has been getting into drawing, and all of a sudden he can draw things that are recognisable. Current medium: chalk on screechy board...
Allie drew a big A then a little A, then drew wee feet, then a circle around them and said he had a bag of A's!

He then drew a sad face on one and a happy face on the other

Toby draws too, and really enjoys it, but by the end he's smeared chalk everywhere and eaten the contents of the chalk box. I haven't got photoing on my mind... so here's one of him during a quiet moment:
Tobe's favourite way to read. Check out where he's plonked his bottom..

So when we're not drawing, we're at the park swingin' :

I should inclue this last one of Tobe the Daredevil. Not only does he have a nice scar on his forehead from his visit to 'Uncle Gummy", but now he has another right beside it. This one didn't need stitches, but we had to visit the insurance guy to go over health insurance paperwork about half an hour after he did it. Lucky for us he has 4 children of his own.
Toby hamming up his scars


Anonymous said...

I love the drawings. He's such a creative little guy - this is the kid who told me very seriously that my freckles have freckles.

Toby in the Tonka Truck is so funny. And why shouldn't he enjoy a quiet sit-down?

- Sue

Anonymous said...

Allie is very imaginative, just like his mother. I love the "bag of A's" and then the personified A's.

Keep it up Allie! You'll be a writer just like your mum.