Friday, September 16, 2005

Smellin' European, Feelin' Minnesota

It's been long enough since we arrived that we've had to buy new personnal hygiene products- deoderant, hair care etc.... I've long suspected, and it's been confirmed by smelling all the products in Migros, that Europeans smell very different to Americans. Brits smell a bit different to mainlanders, come to that. I can't put my finger on what exactly makes the difference, even in stuff that is sold in both places. Maybe American stuff is more fruity.....
Anyway, it's all part of the integration process ;)

Yesterday, I took the boys to the beach (it's been really beautiful weather) which is a 10 min walk towards the center of town. The beach is small and pebbley, with a glace stand nearby. We paddled and threw stones. Toby had to throw the biggest ones he could find (and barely lift). Allie and I collected interesting looking ones. Apparently, the Neuchatel area is quite interesting to paleontologists and the like. Here are a couple of pics taken at the same beach, but a few weeks ago.

Allie and Toby looking for pebbles to throw
Beach bums

PS- It's our tenth wedding anniversary today :) Just seems like yesterday we were having fun on the Queen Mary..... Tonight, our landlords are listening out for the boys while we sample Neuchatel night life!


gracy said...

SO how was the Neuchatel night life? I can't believe it has been 10 years. I went by the Queen Mary last weekend and thought of y'all. I was touring with my college roomie...saw Wayfarer's chapel etc. did PCH etc. put the photos on my blog.
Love ur photos..looks beautiful.
I fly out for Paris this Wed. can't wait to see you!

Yodelemma said...

Good luck on Weds :) We'll see you soon!

Anonymous said...


if i didn't know it was suisse, i'd say it looks like chesapeake beach, md

Susan said...

Wini wants to know if Allie was eating chocolate in that picture.

Great pics! :)

Anonymous said...

hehehe- we're very lax about cleaning him up these days. He eats Nutella on toast or fruit in the afternoon, so yup- it's chocolate. How very euro. of us ;)
That girl has a keen eye ;)