Friday, September 09, 2005

EuroMTV games

We now watch cable TV here. There are 2 music channels- the local Swiss all Euro music and EuroMTV. Our new game is "guess what country the song's from" before any singing starts. We're pretty good now ;) The (mainland) Europeans have a lot of catching up to do hehehehe.... Here is one of our favourites (no, we really do like this song)-,,3224854,00.html#

Walter says 'anyone who learns the dance gets to stay for free'.


gracy said...

Oh this is so cool!
I love this song. I saw Ilona sing it and do the dance during the Music Festival "Fete de la Musique" in Paris... she performed it behind the Palace of Versailles live. We missed getting out there in time so we watched her live on TV. She had several girls dressed like preppy school girls doing the dance with her. Guess Ruthie and I have to learn it before we come see you next month heh? Had not seen the music video CUTE!
can't wait 2 c u all!!!!

Walter said...

And I thought she was just a cartoon. :)

Ruth said...

Hi Swiss family! I am trying to learn this dance so I can come stay with you all! =)

Much love,
Ruth (Dhunoo)