Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Some of you may have seen reports of flooding in central Switzerland. Luckily, Neuchatel has no rivers running through it. Plus, we are on the side of a hill. In fact, our lake feeds into one of the rivers flooding in Olten and Solothurn. I took a train yesterday through the area. The trains at least were built high above the river. But I saw lots of swollen rivers and a few flooded villages.

On a lighter note, I went through a town called "Wildegg". Switzerland has great place names.


Anonymous said...

is this the same place?

if so it makes a fair map

Anonymous said...


anotre ...

Anonymous said...

Place de halles has a wifi hotspot:


more info on the city:


Yodelemma said...

Here's a good map of where we are:


Anonymous said...

horray! swiss family blog. so fantastic. this place looks beautiful. and i bet it's going to look like narnia in the winter. i love the sand box panty photo. home made fig jam. yum...
i love this blog. xoxo it's great to be able to get up to the minute info and photos of you guys. yay! congratulations. xooxxo negin

Anonymous said...

Glad you're keeping dry. And you've heard about the hurricane in N.O.? We're enjoying the pictures so much! Love to the little Stockwells XOXOX Wini saw a baby eating cheerios today and told me babies love Cheerios - "especially TOBY." :)