So, I thought Switzerland would have a normal array of creepy crawlies. It's not like it's tropical here, and it gets cold enough to kill off mosquitos. Imagine my surprise when I see one of these things:
What the blikyblonky is it? I could look it up. They're about 2-3" fully grown, are extremely fast (all those legs) and come out at night...and during the day. How come I haven't seen one in the States? I'm getting more squeamish as I get older, and this is grossing me out. Walter's used to them it seems. Every time I run around chasing one with a book, he says absentmindedly "don't waste your energy, there'll be more". How can he be relaxed???? He's currently in Shetland where only the hardiest beasties live, :( so he hasn't seen the HUGEST spider that I found yesterday morning. I killed it then measured it: Legs 2.5", body 1". The legs were thick and hairy, and it was horribly fast. We found (and microwaved) one in Scotland that was slightly smaller. That was the first one I've ever seen, so we looked it up. It's either one that gives nasty bites or one that is very useful in killing other beasties and it's native to Western Europe! I don't believe that either.
Ok, so the spider could be one of these:
Oh dear God. ::shivers::
I'm so glad to hear that everything is going well. Your future abode sounds lovely.
Miss you loads!
In maryland we get these spiders all the time:
wolf (m & f)
i have actual pictures of ours.. its good to keep one or two around because they kill the other creatures and dont spin a web.
our big one is about 6 inches from end to end
Hi Emma,
I think they are a type of centipeade(sp?) We get these in India/Sri Lanka or a millipeade. Let me know when you find out!
emma always the good scientist--are you sure the body was 2.5"?? ;-)
looks like a millipeade to me too...but what do i know? i tend to mush everything into a big splat!
miss ya!
I totally sympathize with you. In the house where I was in France....there are huge spiders! I was so scared since there are no screens on the windows, but that doesn't seem to phase my hosts. They are used to it. I just killed them pests when I saw them...hey, I have had a poisonous spider bite back in the States. I still have the scar on my leg. I am not taking my go girl! I support you all the way!
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